New patients welcome!
This Is the Nearby Reliable Dental Office that Does
Great Dentistry but You Did Not Know About.
If you need a checkup and cleaning, or a bothering tooth checked, or want to know if bleeding gums mean you have gum disease, or want any other issue looked at… we will give you candid recommendations, explain all options and let you know the costs beforehand.
Always one patient at a time – always the same Dr. you will come to trust.
Check all our website, it has helpful to-the-point information!
Explore Florida!
Loxahatchee National Wildlife
Refuge near W Palm Beach, FL
Belle Terre of Tamarac
When treatment is done the same day , we will not charge for the consultation, only the x-ray and treatment. Click here and read under SERVICES “Limited Exam and one Xray”.
QUESTION : I am a new patient. How much is my visit going to cost?
ANSWER : If you call or text we will answer that question. We never do any treatment until you know the cost and consent having it done.
QUESTION : If my gums bleed, do I have gum (periodontal) disease? Do I need a deep cleaning?
ANSWER : Not necessarily. You may have gingivitis, which is only the inflammation of the gums that can be corrected with a prophylaxis (cleaning) and improved home hygiene. We charge $130 for a cleaning and it takes 40 minutes. In many cases, that restores the gum’s health and no further treatment is necessary. We recommend a prophylaxis every 6 months.
Call: 954-720-8752
Click icon to call
from smartphone
Text Only: 954-719-4526
Copy/paste to your text app
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Photo taken Peanut Island, FL